Friday, December 7, 2012


All I can say about my feelings right now is that I'm so happy.  I feel blessed with an amazing classroom full of learners, a CT who supports me, and a job that I look forward to going to after my long day at school is done.  I feel confident in my abilities to lead a classroom and I love that I can form relationships with these amazing young people! I get sad about leaving this happy little life, but I know that moving on is part of growing and I can't get my own classroom until I spread my wings and leave what I know right now.  I realize that I still have several weeks left of my time here, but I want to make sure that I really "soak it in" and appreciate the time that I have left.

Yesterday, my CT gave me the day off.  I was able to straighten out some things with my portfolio, turn in my teaching license application, have lunch with a group of old friends at my former campus ministry, and get a fabulous new hairdo!  It was wonderful to have some time to myself and I have no doubt that today is going so well because I feel refreshed and excited about my kids.  My CT is gone today so I've been teaching with a substitute.  It's always tricky because you never know what kind of style a guest teacher might have, but the one we have today is really clicking with me.  She even managed to form a relationship with C- quite a feat! 

After work tonight, I am heading west on I-94 to spend the weekend with my family.  I can't wait to talk with my parents, play with my niece, and gossip with my cousins!   I feel so fortunate that they're only a couple of hours away and that they like spending time with me just as much as I like spending time with them. :)  I hope to get some Christmas baking done, some presents wrapped, and maybe plan a few new activities for my upcoming second week of lead teaching.  It should be wonderful!  

 (Finding surprise notes like this one on the chalkboard also help to brighten a teacher's day!)

With the happiest heart,
Ms. T

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